Dr. Kenton Fedde
Business Infrastructure, Pharmaceutical Patents, Business Strategy and Marketing
Dr. Fedde owns and manages a law firm that is dedicated to helping clients develop a strategic portfolio of intellectual property (patent, trademark, and copyright) and aligning it with technology, R&D, strategic partnerships, regulatory progress, and commercial development. He combines a breadth of experience in each of these areas to facilitate the movement of technology from the bench to the market. Typically, his clients are selected from investment groups, start-up companies, closely-held corporations, research institutions, and publicly held companies. Kenton received his Ph.D. from The University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine. He spent more than fifteen years as a faculty member in the Department of Medicine, Washington University in St. Louis. During his tenure, he conducted research in metabolic bone disease and was the author of more than 20 peer-reviewed publications. Kenton also was a member of ad hoc editorial boards for a number of highly respected scientific journal and study sections for the National Institutes of Health. He also served as a consultant to various high-tech companies throughout California and the rest of the world. In order to facilitate his entrepreneurial interests, Dr. Fedde attended Washington University Law School and received his Doctorate in Juris Prudence, focusing on patent, drug, and business law. Kenton gained nearly a decade of experience in product development, patent law, mergers and acquisition, drug law, technology transfer, and business development for the Searle- Monsanto- Pharmacia- Pfizer family of companies. He functioned in various capacities including Assistant General Counsel. For the last ten years, Kenton continues to provide technology, business, patent, drug. and corporate support for a number of companies at various stages of development and success.