Lee Deichmann
Director of Quality Control
Lee is the ultimate perfectionist with a wide range of skills. Anheuser-Busch recognized Lee’s talent and employed him in quality control for 27 years. He controlled all aspects of production (including the calibration of the monitoring equipment) to maintain the Anheuser-Busch Brand. He extended his duties into health inspection for other areas of the plant, like the cafeteria. Lee’s true love throughout his life was creating, designing and crafting fine jewelry. During his fifty years of jewelry creation, Lee became world-renowned. His expertise is in all gems and metals but recently has focused much of his efforts in gems and shells from the ocean. He has also expanded his design skills into precious merchandise like mother-of-pearl jewelry boxes. Another creative discipline in which Lee reached the highest levels is cooking, without any formal training. He cooks all semiannual post-MBET Meeting BBQ’s: lucky for all the MBET members!