Miracle of the Sea
Find out more about Miracle of the Sea®

Since 1999 MBET has explored over 3400 marine plant and animal compounds that have been reported to have medicinal benefit. Its team of Dermatologists, Plastic Surgeons, Pharmaceutical Experts and Marine Biologists, after seven years, has identified 88 amazing compounds to benefit human health. These 88 compounds are now being mixed in different combinations and concentrations for cutaneous and systemic 1) rejuvenation 2) stimulation of the immune system to kill cancer cells and 3) healing of all wounds through re epithelialization, neovascularization and granulation tissue production. The first patented product of this extraordinary collaboration has been the development of Natural Marine Extract (NME). Natural Marine Extract is a completely natural and edible product, composed of compounds from twelve marine species. Other marine extract combinations are in the development or patent-pending stages.
It is a transformative therapeutic skin product developed and tested by dermatologists and plastic surgeons to successfully enhance thin, weak, atrophic skin as seen in 1) aged, easily bruised, sun damaged skin 2) wrinkled, crepe skin 3) stretch marks and 4) acne scars. It is the ultimate topical product to slow the aging process. Natural Marine Extract is associated with greater functioning fibrocytes to allow more production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. These create greater strength, elasticity, and thickness, which are the bases of young skin.
As reported in Forbes.com in 2015: “MBET Natural Marine Extract is the active component found from the sea which rejuvenates by stimulating the fibrocytes in your skin to produce more fibrocytes (new and existing) to produce more collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid – well known to be the secrets of youthful skin. This is the only active ingredient that we know of that stimulates fibrocytes to reproduce.”
Along with other awards and accolades, Natural Marine Extract is the active ingredient in a serum that received the 2013 Genius Award given by Elle Magazine, based on the magazine’s extensive research.
For further information and purchase information for this revolutionary anti-aging product: https://miracleofthesea.com/