Quantum Teething Solutions

“Non-addictive Pain Management for Teething-
The only side effect is relief!” (Cliff Einstein)
Think about how frustrating and irritating it is for a parent to experience their baby’s crying and writhing of teething pain and multiply that by 100 to understand what the baby is feeling. The Chronic Stress Disorder of Infancy (CSD-I) from chronic episodic teething pain can affect the baby for her/his entire life. Quantum Teething Solution minimizes and can eliminate this pain and trauma to eliminate the chance of CSD-I. Teething is the most traumatic event in a baby’s life. Chronic episodic teething pain and the psychological trauma from that pain are only superficially understood. What is known is that acute pain causes the release of adrenaline (epinephrine), which is animals’ (including humans) “flight or fight” hormone. This intensifies all sensory input including more pain. A dermatology study showed the sensation from constant equal acute pain (electrodessication) increased exponentially with further such stimuli. Because of the presence of epinephrine from the first bit of pain, the next episode of pain will be more intensive than the first. Thus, chronic repeated bursts of pain (like in teething), creates a positive feedback effect and thus increasingly crescendoing pain. Chronic episodic pain is one of, if not the greatest form of stress in humans and is the basis of TORTURE. This pain and resulting stress also causes release of cortisol which is known as the “Stress Hormone” and has been called “Health Enemy No. 1” and one of the most destructive factors in humans. It has been proven that elevated cortisol levels interfere with 1) learning and memory, 2) lowers immune function, 3) decreases bone density, 4) increases fat accumulation at the expense of muscle, 5) increases blood pressure, cholesterol and heart disease, and lower life expectancy. MBET will study the cortisol of babies’ teething pain and colic. MBET will study the relationship between Chronic Stress Disorder of Infancy and learning and behavioral disorders such as low academic achievers, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, attention deficit disorder, acute or chronic anxiety, and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder.
The pain of teething does not start at five to six months old when the deciduous teeth break through the gums but rather at birth as these teeth are emerging from the jawbone. This early “bone pain” causes crying and natural swallowing of air which creates dilation of the intestines (bloating) and associated pain called “colic”. Colic has long been a mystery and similar to teething has no treatment until now. Use Quantum Teething Solution to minimize the bone pain and consequent colic.
The severity of chronic episodic pain of teething should never be underestimated, yet, teething is actually seen by many in the pediatric community as an inevitable fact of human development. “Hang in there, put cold compresses and try different pacifiers, it will go away.” The evaluation of teething pain in babies can be difficult. Many symptoms include crying, writhing, irritability, crankiness, sore and tender gums, fever, drooling and chewing on solid objects. There are many pediatricians that deny much of what mothers call “teething pain” unless it is immediately associated with the babies’ teeth penetrating the gums. These same doctors deny gastrointestinal signs and symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating, and passing gas as being part of the teething process.
Since Roman times the worry of improving babies’ teething pain has been important. Such remedies as horse ligament pacifiers were used (see photo A). Ethyl alcohol on the gums has been used for centuries, which pediatricians now condemn. More recently gels containing anti-inflammatory agents (like Advil) have been tried. Homeopathic pills and topicals have been used during the last 30 years. These have been rejected by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the FDA because of their potential toxicity.
The Quantum Teething Solution is a proprietary pacifier-like patent-pending red light energy device. Combining precision, safety, and elegance, Quantum Teething Solution is the unique proactive solution that can prevent much of the pain and speed up the healing of your baby’s developing teeth. This will minimize, and hopefully eliminate, the Chronic Stress Disorder of Infancy endured by your baby during and after his teething years. Using this device 2 to 3 times daily for an hour will reduce the pain of teething and colic and change your baby’s life. The mechanism of action of the Quantum Teething Solution is to reduce swelling and inflammation of the gums caused by teething. This swelling and inflammation create pain, slow healing, and potential infection. The results of pain reduction and speeding up the gum’s wound healing will be noticeable in the first three weeks of usage. Q Teething Solution comes with a dedicated wireless charging base combined with a UV sterilizer, which kills 99.99% of bacteria in less than 3 minutes. The Quantum Teething Solution is a revolutionary pacifier-like device, which uses an electronic motherboard to deliver the 4 joules/cm2 of red (670u) light with the highest degree of precision and consistency.
The precision and calibration of the computerized motherboard of the Quantum Teething Solution is based on perfecting four critical light parameters: wavelength, intensity, distance and time of exposure. The wavelength is directly proportional to the depth of penetration, the longer the wavelength, the deeper the tissue penetration. Quantum Healing Technologies uses the right light for the right treatment. For instance, the Quantum Teething Solution uses infrared and far-red wavelengths for the three phases and depths of the deciduous teeth development: 1) initial penetration of the teeth through the jawbone 2) movement of the teeth through the gums 3) teeth cutting through the mucosa of the gums. Most pediatricians, pediatric dentists, and neonatologists only recognize “teething” and its pain as the latter of the three phases, the actual emerging of the teeth through the mucosa. The pain of the first two phases is more intense but is determined as “unknown cause.”
MBET recognizes all three phases and directs its treatment to all of them. This combination of far-red and infrared wavelengths allows benefit for not only the gums but also the jawbones as the teeth move through them. The Quantum Teething Solution is a device, which uses a computerized motherboard programmed to shift the light energies from anterior to posterior following the sequential development of the deciduous teeth. Thus, infrared energy will be directed to the incisor tooth area for the first six months of a babies’ life. This is the time in which the incisor teeth are breaking through the jawbone. This infrared energy will then be directed posteriorly as the other deciduous teeth are breaking through the jawbone. Simultaneously as the infrared energy is segmentally directed further posterior, the more superficial red light energy is directed at the gum tissue in which the teeth are moving through the last two phases of gum and mucosa penetration.
Very few people address Chronic Stress Disorder of Infancy. The reason is obvious: how do you evaluate the pain and stress in babies? Is it how loud or how long your baby cries? Is it the number of tears produced? Or the amount of thrashing your baby does? MBET will measure cortisol and possible epinephrine levels (by swabbing mouth mucosa), blood pressure, long-term learning, memory, and behavior problems. MBET’s goal is to have parents avoid learning about CSD-I after it has affected their baby’s life by taking action now and use the Quantum Teething Solution!What do you have that is more precious than your baby? Why would we not want to minimize teething pain now in order to maximize babies’ potential in the future?