MBET Business Vision
“A dream only progresses to a vision when you create a pathway and develop the steps to get there.” (Eric Lewis)
“Good business leaders create a vision, passionately own the vision and relentlessly drive it to completion.” (Jack Welch)
“Capital isn’t scarce, vision is.” (Sam Walton)
1. MBET strives to provide the highest VALUE in each of its products it researches, designs, develops, manufactures/grows, sells and distributes. This value involves supreme quality at the lowest possible price. Thus, MBET uses its transformative innovation to continuously improve the benefit of its products and to decrease the costs to produce them. The research and development of its skincare products, gum and nail products, organic seafood, veterinary products, third most valuable gem in the world, health supplements, tape dressing system to replace the band aid, precision light therapy for bed sores, diabetic ulcers, and Chronic Stress Disorder of Infancy are transformative and have no rival. MBET will not produce low quality, inexpensive products with marketing based on “hype”. Science-based, and efficacy-proven, are the basic principles of all MBET’s products. Paying $20 for a cream that doesn’t work is not economical; it’s “cheap”.
2. MBET’s primary product is large quantity, high quality, and low-cost seafood using an Environmentally Beneficial™, sustainable process. The technological aquafarming advances in equipment and techniques are some of MBET’s intellectual properties (IP). They will not only increase the profitability through increased efficiency and effectiveness but also increase the value of each MBET project. This IP will also be used as capital in acquiring equity in less sophisticated and thus less successful aquafarms. There are tens of thousands of these small, usually family-owned and operated aquafarms around the world. Without MBET’s technological advances many of these small aquafarms will close. Each added MBET facility will add economy of scale, I.P., and geographical diversity synergies. The owners of these small aquafarms can thus be guaranteed an elevated profit and lifestyle by sharing equity with MBET. This is definitely the ideal win-win situation.
3. MBET is successful through innovative technology and techniques developed by high-performance teams focused on keeping operational costs low and productivity at a maximum. “Business is a team sport.” (Greg Brenneman). Sam Walton emphasized “We’re all working together, that’s the secret”. Profitability will only increase with expansion because of MBET’s use of leveraging time and talent of its gifted members.
4. Maximizing optimum value in transformative products creates loyal customers which is the basis of viral expansion of demand. This further increases economy of scale and profitability. The additive profitability and scaling of operations allow MBET to aid each community in which an MBET facility is located, in the form of education, health, housing, and other benefits. This, of course, will benefit MBET by having much healthier, happier, more educated, more productive and loyal employees. This “giving back” process brings benefit not only to MBET and the local community, but also to the entire country. This is truly an example of ‘doing good makes good business sense.’ Shari Arison said it all: “It’s important to think good, speak good and do good. If we want to see positive change in the world, then we need to connect to goodness.”
5. Another important aspect of maximizing profitability is that it creates sustainability and expandability. MBET’s strategic goal is to expand around the world. This goal, as evidenced by others which MBET has already achieved, seems at first, to be beyond comprehension. However, MBET has already developed prototype facilities and is improving upon them with each new facility. MBET will develop such value for local communities that countries around the world will open their doors to us and try (through concessions) to persuade MBET to develop there. MBET anticipates exponential growth of expansion facilities starting in 4-5 years. Vince Lombardi’s inspiration is legendary: “we would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible.”
6. Patterned after Steve Jobs, MBET will direct its innovative efforts towards meaningful and profitable opportunities. It is researching the literature and markets for ocean-based and healing opportunities which brings the greatest value potential. “I have great respect for incremental improvement but I’ve always been attracted to the more revolutionary changes. They are much harder and more emotionally stressful. Almost always you go through a period where everybody tells you that you’ve completely failed” (Steve Jobs). Using Constant Universal Innovation (CUI) and creative problem solving, MBET finds innovative techniques to make the most beneficial product or grow the marine animal or plant that produces the valuable product (skincare products, wound healing products, ocean gems, value-added seafood, pharmacology products, and supplemental nutraceuticals). “Innovation has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have; it’s about the people you have, how they are led, and how much ‘they get it’.” (Steve Jobs).
7. MBET has developed the MBET BRAND, based on the highest quality, reliability, and sustainability of all ocean products and respect for all marine plant and animal species and social/environmental conscientiousness. “A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well” (Jeff Bezos).
8. Because MBET’s land based aquafarms will have the ability to completely control the purity of food, water and all aspects of the grow-out environment, the quality of the seafood product can be guaranteed and thus classified as “organic”. Most other aquafarming operations produce lower quality product and are environmentally damaging or dangerous. “Wild-caught” fish are only as good as the environment in which they swim. Would you eat a fish from Santa Monica Bay or from the “Plastics Island” in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? You should not have to worry about the mercury or plastic content of most predatory wild-caught fish. You wouldn’t if it was aquafarmed by MBET! Large world demand for any wild-caught species will always lead to depletion or extinction of that species (Chilean Bass, Blue Fin Tuna, Alaskan King Crab, Dungeness Crab, all species of abalone, many species of salmon, etc.) because of nature’s sensitively balanced ecosystems. Aquafarming and fish ranching (based on MBET’s Kelp Reforestation) provide the only sustainable method of producing large quantities of a single species of seafood. Point of sale videos and brochures will educate the sophisticated consumer to appreciate the MBET type of aquafarming. Distributors and retailers will benefit from the supreme level of quality and core values. The MBET Brand will add tremendous value to the grocery and restaurant retailers. The educated consumer will expect a new, higher standard which, few, if any other, seafood companies will be able to fill.
9. MBET will take the George Washington Carver approach to each seafood species. Through our innovative and technological process, MBET will maximize profitability and minimize waste by finding ways to use each and every part of the sea animal or plant. For instance, many species of sea cucumber, scallops, mussels, sea snails, clams, oysters, abalone, limpets, octopi, most crustaceans and many other ocean plant and animal species presently being grown globally are only for the meat. The rest of the animal is thrown away as waste. MBET is not only harvesting the meat, but also the intestines, gonads, mantle, digestive glands, and shells for rejuvenating creams, anti-cancer creams and pharmaceuticals, jewelry, and nutraceuticals.
10. Similar to Bill Gates and Elon Musk, MBET strives to solve many of the worlds greatest problems: global warming, reclamation of wasteland, clean energy, feeding the increasing world population, maximizing drinkable water, restoration of ocean coral and vegetative ecosystems, and using pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals to cure cancer and rejuvenate aging bodies. Tom Brokaw has the heartfelt philosophy: “It’s easy to make a buck. It’s a lot tougher to make a difference.” And Richard Branson similarly expressed: I’ve always felt the only mission worth pursuing in business is to make peoples’ lives better.” This defines MBET’s VALUE: create the most benefit at the least possible price.
11. Starting in 1999, the precursor to MBET was a simple commodity-based abalone farm in central Baja struggling to survive. It progressed into growing all shellfish, most crustaceans and many other valuable ocean plant and animal species. MBET then advanced into a value-added business producing seafood pizzas, empanadas, and paellas for a major, elite market chain. Over the last 20 years MBET has continued to focus on ocean and environment innovation and has grown into a variety of unique MBET technology companies and business units. This process has been based on researching, developing, designing and producing the highest value products at a reasonable price. The individual profitability of each of the MBET companies will be maximized by the synergies of the companies themselves and the leveraging of time and talent of the leaders and members of these overlapping companies. These MBET companies’ synergies are priceless and are what most companies spend tremendous capital to create in the form of mergers and acquisitions. MBET’s organic growth has created a completely vertically integrated supply chain 1) to control quantity, quality, sustainability, and security; 2) leverage MBET member talent in R&D, logistics and new technologies; 3) to increase market share; 4) to expand into new markets; 5) to take advantage of economy of scale; and 6) to create geographic diversification. These transformative changes are supported by John Wooden’s philosophy: “We can have no progress without change, whether it be basketball or anything else”.