MBET Internal Pharmaceuticals
Developing MBET’s 88 Bio Active Marine Extracts™ (BAME) is one of the greatest examples of using MBET’s talent, teamwork and synergies. MBET Healing Compounds from the Ocean is the category of companies, which includes MBET Cosmeceuticals™, MBET Nutriceuticals, MBET Healing Preparations™, and MBET Pharmaceuticals. MBET Healing Compounds™ Team members are medical doctors of multiple disciplines, marine biologists, biologists, pharmacists, pharmaceutical patent lawyers, FDA experts, and pharmacology business experts whose research over the past 17 years has focused on the treatment benefits of marine extracts especially for cutaneous and systemic 1) rejuvenation, 2) healing including neovascularization, re-epithelialization and granulation tissue propagation, and 3) stimulation of the immune system to kill cancer cells.
Stem cells are multipotential cells but, until they are transformed into mature cells, they have no function. Over the last three to four decades, there has been tremendous global research in stem cells used for rejuvenation. Unfortunately, the double-blind, controlled studies have shown that stem cells alone offer minimal, if any, rejuvenative benefit. Stem cells must first be transformed into mature cells to be functional. The extensive search for compounds to stimulate stem cells into functional cells has been fruitless, until now. MBET has tested dermatologically many different combinations and concentrations of its marine extract compounds. Biopsies of treated (with a specific combination and concentration of its 88 marine compounds) and untreated skin showed remarkable change (see photos). After four months (46 applications: every other day for two months then twice a week for two months) not only did the treated skin show 400% increase in thickness and 33% contraction (tightening), but in this 60 year old patient the “skin age” (as determined by histopathology) dropped from 67 to 30 years old! This “skin age” is not only determined by the structure and thickness of the epidermis and dermis but also the concentrations of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. The most remarkable findings in this study were the appearance of new, young, actively productive fibrocytes and new capillaries. The old withered fibrocytes in the non-treated biopsy site were replaced with young, active ones and over 1000% more, new fibrocytes. The consensus of MBET’s doctors, histopathologist, and biologists is that the ingredients in these marine extracts stimulated stem cells into new fibrocytes and changed old fibrocytes into young ones by lengthening the DNA telomeres. Many white paper studies of these ingredients have shown these same benefits. MBET scientists believe these compounds could hold the key to Ponce De Leon’s dream of the “Fountain of Youth.” Further studies will be done before formal FDA studies are scheduled.
The “cure” for cancer has been a goal of doctors of all disciplines throughout the history of medicine. However, virtually all of the research has been focused on the treatment of cancer. There has been no monetary incentive for the researchers (pharmaceutical companies) to cure cancer but a huge one to treat it. Charlie Rose interviewed three Nobel Prize-winning doctors whose lives have been devoted to studying cancer. When asked: “What is your ultimate vision for ‘curing cancer?’” all three expressed the same formula: “Find cancer at the very earliest stages and obtain the DNA composition of it to be able to treat the cancer with therapeutic compounds specific for that cancer.” Much of oncology research has focused on using a cancer victim’s own immune system to attack his/her cancer. However, all research and development drugs and treatments are centered around TREATING CANCER and none about CURING CANCER. MBET’s medical doctors and other scientists are focused on the biologic changes caused by the environment (carcinogens), which trigger the genetically predisposed cells to develop into cancer cells. In the skin, ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B (UVA and UVB) which are the wavelengths of light which cause “sun damage”. They penetrate through the epidermis to damage the superficial levels of the second layer of skin, the dermis (see diagram). This damage accumulates in the form of “basophilic degeneration”. Once this ultraviolet light-induced damage reaches the “threshold”, it can then stimulate the basal cells and squamous cells of the epidermis to change into pre-cancer and cancer cells in the genetically predisposed (usually lighter skinned) people. Although much of the basophilic degeneration starts happening under the age of 30 years old, the actual formation of the pre-cancer (actinic keratosis) and cancers (Basal Cell and Squamous Cell Carcinomas) form years to decades later.
MBET has tested (anecdotally) many combinations and concentrations of its marine extract compounds for actinic keratosis, early basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas with complete resolution of 95% of these lesions. White papers of the ingredients of these marine compounds have also shown anti-cancer cell activity. Even more remarkable about the actions of these compounds is microscopic evidence of the start of the dissolution of the basophilic degeneration, the damaged environment that seems to activate normal epidermis into cancers. More anecdotal evidence for different combinations and concentrations of marine extract compounds will continue to be gathered before full FDA studies will be initiated.
Many of these marine extract compounds are now starting to be used with MBET’s LED Healing Devices and LED Healing Dressings (see separate section). The resulting synergistic benefits are exponential, not just linear.